Thursday, February 17, 2011

Most popular religion?

We were talking about world religions today and Ciara asked which church has more members, Catholic or Protestant? I'm also asking which is the most popular religion in the world

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Yet Another Science Question!

Andrew did an experiment using yeast, sugar and boiling water in a plastic bottle. We placed a balloon on top of the bottle and the balloon was supposed to inflate after one hour, but it didn't and we are wondering why not? (Andrew did the experiment once before and it did inflate that time).

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Theory of Relativity

Would anyone be able to explain in simple language what  Einstein's Theory of Relativity is about?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Another scientific question

Sean's experiment with the balancing fork is baffling us all. How is this possible?

Scientific question

We did this experiment in science and were curious about the results:
In this experiment, we inflated a balloon using vinegar and baking soda. Then we left it to see what would happen. After a few days the balloon deflated and then got sucked into the bottle (see above). We want to know why this happened? (Anselm is calling it "exflation")